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Kingswood Forest

Kingswood Forest
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City Description

As you approach the dense forest, you notice that it spans from cliffside to cliffside as far as you can see. The only way past is through.

You hear the myriad caterwauling of the forest's natural inhabitants, as well as the distant thuds of lumberjacks hard at work. Perhaps if you push through, you'll be able to reach the city.

A man once resided in Kingswood Forest, regarded by all as the kindest of souls. He spent his days guiding lost travellers through the shadowed woods, and learning their stories along the way. He became revered as the forest's guardian. On some ill-fated day, untimely he passed from this world, and he was laid to rest amidst the trees by those who found him. This forest will forever bear his namesake, thus immortalising him through the memory of mankind.

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