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Celebration Center

Celebration Center
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City Description

You arrive at the centre of Celebration Island on a large raised hill area overlooking all of the regions of these lands. A small viewing area sits at the peak allowing you to take a good look all around.

To the northwest you can see the vibrant colours of the Easter Valleys behind its multicoloured gates of shimmering colours. It is the home of many an easter rabbit or delicious sweet treat. The smell of baked goods drifting from the bakeries in constant preparation for events.

To the west, silvery gates decorated with shades of red, black, gold and silver. The site of the celebration of all things Syrnia in the Anniversary fields, as the large burning torch covers the fields in a warm comforting glow with cheering and feasting patrons.

Looking south, back down the hill, you see the view of the harbour and can watch the dozens of little boats sailing back and forth off into the distance and locations unknown.

To the east, frosted blue ice gates stand as the entrance to the snow covered Christmas forests. The sound of singing and ringing bells echoes through the woodlands and hills even carrying to far up here as many a gnome and elf work hard for their yearly events.

Finally, to the northeast, a moan and a cackle call out even over the noise from the other regions. That way lies the haunted fields and woods, home to the Halloween celebrations behind its dark black iron gates. Not for the faint hearted...

Here in the heart of the islands you are able to purchase special holiday items or potentially get yourself a reward for the holidays, otherwise you can see the paths that lead to the various gates. So, where to now?