Celebration Harbour

As you step off the boat, you arrive at Celebration Harbour. Here, dozens of boats are entering and leaving the docks, ferrying guests from every corner of Syrnia to and from the mystical Celebration Island.
The air is filled with the music of the season, and the scent of food drifts toward the harbour.
Waiting at the gates stands a tall figure in a bright red jacket with golden trim, complete with matching feathered hat and dark boots. He is welcoming the guests, smiling and showing them in.
Celebration Captain: Welcome to Celebration Island! The greatest parties across all of Syrnia are held here! So much to do, so little time with which to do it. Enter in and explore, relax, and enjoy yourselves!
You may notice that some areas of the island are blocked off by some peculiar gates. The path through these gateways is only revealed during the right time of year. If the proper Holiday Magic has grown enough in strength to weaken the barrier, then passage to said area will be open and everyone may explore!
One last thing before you go! Ensure that you have signed the holiday Guest Book. This will help illuminate those individuals who possess true holiday spirit!
The Celebration Captain winks at you with a sly glint in his eye.
In the meantime, I'll leave you to it. Good luck, and have fun!