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Festival Forest

Festival Forest
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Sad Elf (Christmas tree for onion/strawberry seeds or locked christmas present. Gives 10 farming exp)

Woodcut Festival Forest

City Description

On the south coast of the region you find yourself in a vast endless forest of snowy pine trees and evergreens. The smell of nature and woodlands drifts through the air.

Here, the residents of Tinsel Town collect wood to build many of the toys and presents, as well as collect seeds to grow fruits and berries for the treats that are baked. It's said that within some of the trees, sprites and gnomes may hide gifts for those willing to seek them out.

There is a single snowy dirt path to the North which leads to the Frozen Lake.


This is the Festival Forest. If you have a hatchet you can try to collect some wood. Perhaps some of these trees will contain gifts hidden there by the small creatures of the forest?

In a tree clearing, an Elf stands looking at a large group of treestumps, a concerned frown on his face. Perhaps they need help with something...

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