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Protect The Ancient Woods

Starting location: AloriaKanzo island

  The strongest creature you need to fight to complete this quest is combat level 27.

Requirements Rewards
Kanzo Teleport Orb (to get to Kanzo) 1000 Farming exp
Penteza teleport Orb (to leave Kanzo) 750 Health exp
At least 19hp to fight Chippeways. 500 Defence exp
  Ability to woodcut at Aloria



This quest is on Kanzo Island. It is only accessible with a "Kanzo Teleport Orb".
Remember to bring a "Penteza Teleport Orb" for safe passage back to the other islands. Once on Kanzo, travel to Aloria.

A Farmer approaches you and begs you:All my seeds are being eaten by small Creatures. Will ya help me defeat the creatures which are coming from Kaldra?.

Help the farmer

Click on "Help the farmer"

Thank you !
I hope you can get rid of this pest

Travel to Kaldra. You will need to fight creatures of Combat Level 44.
You will need to kill 5 chippeways.
Once you have done this, return to Aloria.

Report the farmer you have killed some Chippeways.

The farmer: Thank you for defending the Ancient trees. I will allow you to woodcut here for the rare seeds.

You got 500 defence experience.
You got 750 health experience.
You got 1000 farming experience.
You have completed the "Protect the ancient woods" quest !