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Smithing guide by EvilGenius1


The art of creating items is divided in two parts: smelting (no tool required) and smithing (hammer required). All bar types (up to syriet) can be smithed at all smithing locations, but smelting is restricted to specific locations, depending on the type of ores you want to smelt.


Before you can start making items you need to smelt your ores into bars. You don't need to equip a tool for smelting. All bar types require specific ores. At first you can only make bronze bars. Therefore you need to collect an equal amount of copper and tin ores. You can make bronze bars at several locations. 
On Remer, the first island, you need to be in Endarx. Click on 'smelt bronze bars' to start smelting your ores into bronze bars. When the timer reaches 0 you have made your first bronze bar. It will automatically continue smelting all your copper and tin ores until you run out of one of them.

Smelting Bars

Image Smelt Bar Ores required Level Req. EXP
Bronze  X1  X1 1 5
Iron  X1 10 6
Steel  X1  X1 25 10
Silver  X2 40 15
Gold  X10 55 250
Platina  X8  X6  X4 70 300
Syriet  X1  X6  X8  85 400
Obsidian  X1  X5  X15  100 5,000
Puranium  X1  X5  X10 120 8,000
Tiromyth  X1  X1  X1  X1  X1  X1 135 10,000


Smelting Locations

Island City Bars
Remer Island Endarx


Dearn Island Kinam   
Skull Island Ten Cliff  
Webbers Island Web Haven   
Ogre Caves Lava Lake
Exrollia Island Mt. Flag     *
Anasco Island Beset  
The Outlands Various Locations

OL 3 & OL 42 - Bronze

OL 42 & OL 59 - Iron

OL 59 - Steel

Arch. Caves 4 Arch. Cave 4.7     *
Arch. Caves 5 Arch. Cave 5.13    *  *
Tirnus Cave Tirnus Cave - North Cavern Tiromyth Bars Image

* Only available at certain times

* Open Wednesday and Saturday only for Obsidian and Puranium

Each additional player smelting adds 2 seconds to the timer.



Smithing can also be done in Endarx. Although on other islands you will need to travel to other locations after you finish smelting. When you get more smithing levels, new items will be unlocked for smithing. You may want to start with smelting a pile of ores, get some more smithing levels and start smithing the items of your choice.
Make sure you have got a hammer equipped and have the required bars (and wood) in your inventory. Click on 'smith', click on 'bronze' and you will see a list of items that you can smith at your level. At level 1 you can only smith a bronze pickaxe or a bronze dagger.
Lets start with a pickaxe. Click on 'bronze pickaxe (1bar, 1wood)' and wait for the timer to reach 0. Congratulations, you have smithed your first item. Like everything else it will automatically continue creating more pickaxes until you run out of one of the required resources (or break your hammer). You will need to keep an eye on how many items you want to smith and select another item to smith once you get there.


Image Name Level Req.
Bronze Hammer 1
Iron Hammer 10
Steel Hammer 25
Silver Hammer 40
Candy Cane Hammer 50
Gold Hammer 55
Platina Hammer 70
Bone Hammer 75
Skeletal Hammer 75
Syriet Hammer 85
Obsidian Hammer 100
Puranium Hammer 120
Tiromyth Hammer 140


Smithing Locations

Island City Ores
Remer Island Endarx All but Obsidian & Tiromyth
Dearn Island Aunna
Serpenthelm Castle Rose
Skull Island Ten Cliff
Webbers Island Web Haven
Ogre Cave Ogre Camp
The Outlands OL 29 & OL 92
Anasco Island Beset All but Tiromyth
Tirnus Cave Tirnus Cave - North Cavern All but Obsidian

Each additional player smithing add 5 seconds to the timer.



There are several strategies you can follow in the smithing skill. So take a little time to plan ahead before you start. What are the reasons you decided to start smithing? Get in the highscores as fast as possible, or a bit slower while using your resources efficiently. Or are you focused on making a profit.

When you first start smithing it is very hard, if not impossible, to make a profit. There are many smiths nowadays to compete with. Therefore you should start with concentrating on gaining xp. This can be done in two ways (or any combination you want): A) level as fast as possible. B) take your time and minimise your investment.

A) Speed way

To get to level 15 (full bronze) as fast as possible you need to smith an item that gives the most xp. The length of the smithing timer is similar for all items. Picking the highest xp item will therefore get you to level 15 fastest. In bronze smithing the item that gives most xp is the bronze plate, but you cant smith that until you are level 15, so that wont help you at this stage. You will have to pick another item. To reduce the amount of ores needed get to level 10 first where you can smelt iron ores. That will give you extra smelting xp. For example: Mine 461 tin, 461 copper and smelt these into bronze bars. Smith 153 bronze axes. You have reached level 10. Mine 1067 iron ores and smelt these into bars. Smith 533 iron scimitars. You have reached level 15. You can sell these items to the Eully market for some gold pieces.

B) Efficient way

You can also decide to use your resources more efficiently. Smith the item that gives you most xp/bar used. This will reduce the time you spend mining or gp spend on buying ores. The items that give most xp/bar used are small and medium shields. Medium shield are faster to smith, while small shields return more gp once sold to the Eully market. But you will have to spend some extra time woodcutting for smithing shields.

C) Economic way

If you're more interested in making money than gaining xp there are other ways. When you sell everything you make to the Eully market you will get a small amount of gp for the effort. But you could also decide to sell the items to other players, either through the Cave of Trades (CoT) in Eully or in your own shop (chain). You will soon learn that some items are more wanted then others. You will have a hard time selling 100 bronze daggers, but easier to sell several tools, armour sets and axes. You will not gain xp as fast, but will have more gp to buy ores and continue smithing. Although this is hard to do in the low level range due to the high number of available smiths, this is the way to go once you are able to smith the better items.


Smithable Items


Image Name Smithing
Cauldron 1 4 3 Bars
Dagger 1 1 1 Bar
Hatchet 1 3 1 Bar
1 Wood
Pickaxe 1 3 1 Bar
1 Wood
Safe 1 8 6 Bars
Hammer 1 3 1 Bar
1 Wood
Sabatons 1 3 2 Bars
Medium Helm 1 2 1 Bar
Short Sword 1 3 2 Bars
Scimitar 1 3 2 Bars
Small Shield 1 4 1 Bar
1 Wood
Mace 1 5 2 Bars
1 Wood
Hands 1 4 2 Bars
Long Sword 1 4 2 Bars
Medium Shield 2 8 2 Bars
2 Wood
Chainmail 3 9 4 Bars
Legs 4 9 4 Bars
Large Helm 5 6 3 Bars
Axe 6 7 3 Bars
Large Shield 7 9 3 Bars
1 Wood
8 9 4 Bars
Plate 9 13 5 Bars




During the smithing process you have a random chance of smithing an item with +1, +2, +3 or +4 durability. Items can break, but these +x durability items will last longer. When an item with durability breaks, it is damaged and the durability will be reduced by one. A +0 durability item is similar to a common item and will break when damaged. A disadvantage of +durability items is that they can not be enchanted.

Smiths also have the option to upgrade items with durability using either hard or soft spider silk. Soft silk adds +1 and Hard silk adds +2 durability to an item of choice. To upgrade an item, you need to have a hammer equipped.


Image Name Durability  Level Req. EXP
Soft Spider Silk +1 15 75
Hardened Spider Silk +2 30 150