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Monster Training

Starting location: Valera, Remer island

  The strongest creature you need to fight to complete this quest is combat level 15.

Requirements Rewards
Must complete the Valera Knight Quest 250 exp in Attack, Defence, Strength, and Health
Recommended CL 15 and at least 14 hp to fight Bears.



Travel to Valera and click on "Training Grounds" in the city menu. You will see the Valera Knight.

Hey there, I want to ask you something. I have given up fighting, I...can't do it myself anymore..... But I still want to kill the monster everyone has been talking about... Would you help me kill the monster ?

-Ok, I'll do it
-Nope, sorry.

Click on "Ok, I'll do it"

Thanks a lot, killing the monster would make my dream come true.
Before you can kill it, you should train here in Valera.
Kill 25 Giant spiders and return when your done.

Fight 25 Giant Spiders in the training grounds at Valera. Once you have done this, return to the town, and click on "Training Grounds" in the city menu. *Tip: You can check the amount you have left to kill by opening the "Quests" Menu located under your inventory. Highlight the hidden text after the quest by holding down the left mouse button and dragging across the screen.

You slaughtered the spiders !
Ready for the next assignment ?
yes no

Click on "Yes"

Quest: Monster training
Ok great !
Now kill 50 gnomes please !

Fight 50 Gnomes in the training grounds at Valera. Once you have done this, return to the town, and click on "Training Grounds" in the city menu.

Quest: Monster training
That was pretty fast...for a beginning knight.
Ready for the last assignment?
Yes No

Click on "Yes"

Quest: Monster training
Okay the last thing for your training is to kill 5 Bears at Deep Lemo woods..Take a lot of food with you, the bears can easily hit 10's dangerous out there

We recommend that you train until you have at least CL 15 and 14hp before you start on this part of the quest. Travel to Deep Lemo Woods located on Dearn Island. There are creatures here with Combat levels up to Level 15. Click on "Enter the Deep Woods" when you are ready to fight. Once you have killed 5 Bears, return to Valera on Remer Island and click on "Training Grounds".

Quest: Monster training
After all this training do you still think you will be able to kill the monster ?
It is much stronger than the bears you fought... Yes - No

Click "Yes".

Quest: Monster training
We've finished your training and you are ready to kill the monster !
Gather some food and equipment and return to me when you are ready to go.

You got 250 health experience.
You got 250 strength experience.
You got 250 defense experience.
You got 250 attack experience.
You have completed the "Monster training" quest !