Placeholder for now.
(I'll get around to adding stuff to this -Cast)
SyrniaGuide is an amazing piece of work through countless hours of many individuals. (More to come!)
Cast - Founder/Slacker of the group. Only thing that I do around here is pay the bills, but this whole project started out with a crazy idea to come up with something that is community sourced and up to date.
Pendragon - Co-launcher/Partner ... Pen when you read this bud, I couldn't have done this without you. You have truly put in some groundwork here that was a great foundation for things that are a crucial aspect of this site.
Lodes - Staff/Work-horse .... Lodes has been truly dedicated to whatever task that has been sent his way, since his volunteering on the project. Whether it be all the countless of items inputted into the database or the skill guides sourced from others and tweaked to other things that I don't even know about.
Rich - Staff/Work-horse.... Thanks for all of the hardwork (and sometimes menial small things) you have contributed and organizing our skill guides and bringing stuff to life.
Others too....
(Please don't get offended if I haven't put you here yet... I got lazy and occupied with something else so I stopped editing this page)