Level 55 Forest (Calmere)
17 May 2021
Skill Level: 55 Woodcutting
Experience Gains:
140 Woodcutting Experience (Per Action)
Primary Item Drops:
Wood x2–11 (Per Action)
Secondary Item Drops:
Seeds (Common)
Tomato Seeds x1–3
Hop Seeds x1–6
Strawberry Seeds x1–3
Apple Seeds x1–3
Peach Seeds x1–2
Orange Seeds x1–2
Watermelon Seeds x1–2
Rare Global Drops:
Ancient Wood x1–2 (Rare)*
*Requires Scroll of Ancient Wood in inventorySquirrel (Rare)
Scroll of the Palace x1 (Very Rare)
Scroll of the Hidden Mine x1 (Ultra Rare)
Scroll of Ancient Wood x1 (Ultra Rare)
Scroll of Shopping x1 (Ultra Rare)