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The Quests of Syrnia!


Quest Location Island Highest CL Max Hit Levels Needed*
Witch Bluebell Eully Remer Island - - -
Witch Bluebell 2 - - -
Valera Knight Valera -   CL 5 / TL 60 (Outlands)
Monster Training 15 13 Health 10
Slaying The Monster 21 15 Health 12
The Abandonded Shopping List Random Dearn Island 6 5

Health 3
CL 10

Thieving Guild Trail Mentan Mezno Island - -

Speed 6
Thieving 3
CL 5 / TL 60 (Outlands)

Got To Love Locks - -

Speed 15
Thieving 5

Earning The Family Respect Ancestral Mountains Heerchey Island - -

CL 20
Mining 10

Lonely Bard Castle Rose Serpenthelm Island - - -
Sick Fisher Or Sick Of Fishing - - -
Frogs And Monkeys 9 7 Health 5
Damsel In Distress Or Just Clueless 8 7 Health 5

Damsel In More Distress Or Really Clueless

25 16 Health 13
The Kidnapped Lunchbox Arch. Cave SW Arch. Cave 1 32 23 Health 20
Securing Your Shops Kanzo Kanzo Island - -

Magic 5
CL 5/ TL 60 (Outlands)

Protect The Ancient Woods Aloria 27 18 Health 14
Huge Problems Penteza Elven Island 80 39 Health 34
Clearing The Tomb Beset Anasco - - Mining 30
Repair The Smokehouse Thabis - -

Woodcutting 30
Constructing 10

Hidden Forest Ammon - -

Mining 30
Construction 15

Squid Of The Deep Thabis 67 38 Health 33
Mighty Warrior Beset Catacombs 85 42 Health 37
Accessing Arch. Caves 5 Lost Caves 10 Lost Caves 92 55 Health 49
Protect The Camp Arch. Cave 5.9 Arch. Cave 5 122 65 Health 58
Killing The Dragons 426 103 Health 92
Open Sesame* Rima City Barracks Calmere Island 120 60? Health 52
Paying The Fee* Mount Tirnus - - -
Cleaning The Lake* Osis Lake - - -
An Old Man's Trouble* Kingswood Forest - - -
Learn About Hops* Sheppards Hut - - -
Love Letter To Lady Luna* Bidou Docks - - -
Magic Or Tragic* Arch. Cave 3.19 Arch. Cave 3 66 45 Health 40
Santa's Little Helper* Tinsel Town Celebration Island - - -
Santa's Little Helper Part 2*


* Health levels indicate the minimum level needed to survive the max hit.

* New quests

* Holiday quests