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Foggy Woods

Foggy Woods
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Attack Woods (Hatchet required)

City Description

Barely illuminated at all through the thick twisted oak trees and almost impenetrable gloom, the Foggy Woods stretches on for what feels like miles. The path through the trees is barely even lit at all, finding yourself searching hard just to spot the next lantern which will take you onwards through this dark and terrifying woodland. It is however a woodland, and probably a good, if not spooky place to attempt to harvest some resources.

All around, it feels like there are thousands of eyes watching at you and waiting. The cold chill sending shivers down your spine.

As you finally reach a clearing, a large charred and twisted old tree sits in the centre, surrounded by thorns and black flowers. In its huge branches you can make out words carved into it as this tree seems to mark the way out of here. To the south, the swampy Lantern Fields. Meanwhile with one of its other branches it seems to be pointing to a murky path to the Hallow Mountain.

Here, while it isn't the most comforting of places, if you have a hatchet you can attempt to try and harvest resources from some of the trees. However beware, the evil spirits and creatures in these woods may not make it easy...