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Icicle Peaks

Icicle Peaks
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City Menu

Frozen Elves (Santa hat for coal/iron ore. Gives 15 Trading exp)

Fight Gnomes

Dig for Decorations

City Description

Towering over the entire Celebration Island, the magnificent Icicle Peak provides a truly magnificent view of the entire island from its peak. Looking out you can just see the dark lands of Halloween far in the distance and even just on the horizon, the lights from Birthday Town and Cottontail Village.

Within the rocks, huge spike shaped formations of crystal, stick out from within the stone. Hard as diamond and cold to the touch, these formations catch the sunlight and project magnificent rainbows of colour onto the rocks and land below with the light is just right. Enjoying the view, the peace is disturbed as some of those mischievous gnomes laugh and mock, throwing snowballs in your direction.

A small rocky path to the South Leads down towards the Frozen Lake, while a path to the South West leads to the colourful Tinsel Town.


Welcome to the highest point in the Celebration Isles. The peaks, while beautiful, are full of misbehaving gnomes that are somewhat ruining the place. You may want to teach them a lesson and send them on their way. Alternatively if you have a spade, you may want to try and dig around in the rocks to see if they hid anything up here. These gnomes are known for being naughty and trying to steal things from Tinsel Town.

Meanwhile hiding in a small cave entrance, you see a group of elves shivering in the cold. Perhaps they could do with some help?