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Earning The Family Respect

Starting location: Ancestral mountains, Heerchey island

 To complete this quest it is not necessary to fight any creatures.

Requirements Rewards
500gp or HTO to access Heerchey Island 1000 Speed exp
Combat level 20 500 Mining exp
Mining level 10 Access to the Ancestral Mountains Iron Mine
1 Diamond shaped glass (Can't be traded, must be obtained)  



Heerchey Island is accessible from Xanso and Port Calviny. You must pay 500 gold to travel to the island.
Once on the island, travel to
Ancestral Mountains.

The ancestral mountains are rich of iron ore, but can not always be mined.
Since this island is property of the Heerchey family they decide what is allowed and what is not.
Ancestral mountain guard: "Sorry player X, you are not allowed to use the mines yet.
The Heerchey family won't allow everyone to mine here, only respected people can gain access.

- You better let me in...
- How do I gain their respect?

Click on "How do I gain their respect?"

Ancestral mountain guard: I don't know anything, I am just a plain guard.
If you want to become friend of the Heerchey family, aim low and make friends with some of their servants.
I know a fellow called "Rob Timber" working at the Heerchey manor, try asking him.

Move to Heerchey Manor.

Heerchey manor guard: "This is where the Heerchey family lives, but they travel a lot and thats why they are rarely here, so if you want to talk to them, you better leave." You don't need to search long to find Rob Timber, he's a tall guy with a loud voice.

Rob Timber: "So you're interested in gaining the family their respect?
It used to be very hard to be known by the family, but I discovered the lady her weakness... I am willing to tell you in return for something yellow..."

- Whats your price?

Click on "Whats your price?"

Rob Timber: For 3000 gold I will tell you what will earn the lady her respect for sure..
Rob Timber: "Have you got the 3000 gold for me?"

- Pay Rob Timber

If you have 3000 gold, click on "Pay Rob Timber".

Rob Timber: "Alright, the lady can't resist gems...
I bet you could have guessed it, ha ha !
But she has got plenty of normal gems..She would do anything for a rare gem. I heard a rumor about McGoogins finding some new rare stones. Some said it was a scam, but I'm not sure... Good luck !"

Move to McGoogins Site.

Archeological site recruiter: "Hey there, we are in need of new employees do you want to join the Archeological dig? You seem fit enough to join."

- Apply for this job

Click on "Apply for this job".

Alright, you're on the job !
We will contact you soon if we got an assignment for you.
The organization is such a chaos.... I seem to lose all of my employees, contact me if I don't contact you within a week.
Enter the mine to meet your co-workers.

An option to enter Arch Caves will now appear. Click on "Enter the Cave System".
You are now entering the Arch Caves. Move to Arch Caves Center, then up to Arch Caves N. Equip your Spade.
Click on "Dig using your spade". Once you have dug up "Diamond Shaped Glass", return to Heerchey Manor.
WARNING: From Arch Caves SE, there is a link to move down deeper into the caves.
This is the entrance to Arch Caves 2, containing creatures with Combat Level 34, that will auto attack players on every travel.

Rob Timber: "If you got something precious for the lady I can introduce you to her."

- I got a present for the Lady Heerchey

Click on "I got a present for the Lady Heerchey"

Rob Timber: "My lady, I want to introduce (Your Name) to you, he's got a gift for you" You give the lady your Diamond shaped glass Lady Heerchey: "Wow, a diamond? You must be a mighty and rich person, why haven't I heard your name before?
I'm sorry if my guards have been rude to you, feel free to visit our lands more often...And don't forget to visit me once in a while..."

You gained access to the Ancestral mountains and the archeological cave.
You got 1000 speed experience.
You got 500 mining experience.
You have completed the "Earning the family respect" quest !