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Slaying The Monster

Starting location: Valera, Remer island

The strongest creature you need to fight to complete this quest is combat level 21.

Requirements Rewards
Already completed the Valera Knight Quest 750 Health exp
Already completed the Monster Training Quest 1 Valera Sword
At least 16 hp to kill a Bunyip  



Travel to Valera and click on "Training Grounds" in the city menu.

Okay are ready to go and kill the monster ?
I warn this is seriously hard to kill.

- Let's go.
- No I still need to prepare.

Click on "Let's go"

Okay good. Here's the full story:
The monster lives in the Outlands, it slays all of the trespassing humans... It would be very handy to kill it and it would make us famous.
You can find the monster at the Outlands 96..Please come back alive !

You will need to travel back into the Outlands to fight the monster. It is located at Outlands 96. Other Players will be able to attack you while you travel in Outlands and while you are fighting the monster. The monster is a Bunyip that is Combat Level 21. Remember to store what items you dont need in your house before traveling into the Outlands. If you are killed, either by player or monster, you will need to restart any unfinished quests.

When you arrive at Outlands 96, you will see:

You finally find the cave of the monster which the knight has been talking about...
- Fight the monster

Click on "Fight the monster". Once you have killed it, return to Valera. The Sailing locations at Outlands are located at Outlands 1 and Outlands 13.

Quest: Slaying the monster
Wow did you kill it?

- Yep.

Click on "Yep"

Quest: Slaying the monster
Wow I never thought you would make it out alive !
Now I can tell everyone I have been training you to kill it. I finally get some fame which I have always wanted.
People will be very excited to hear this adventure !
Thanks for helping me. I've reached what I want, i can stop fighting now.
You can have this ancient sword... This was property of the army who created Valera ages ago...

You got 750 health experience.
You got 1 Valera sword.
You have completed the "Slaying the monster" quest !