Level 55 Forest
17 May 2021
Skill Level: 55 Woodcutting
Completed Quest: Protect the Ancient Woods
Experience Gains:
130 Woodcutting Experience (Per Action)
Primary Item Drops:
Wood x1–10 (Per Action)
Secondary Item Drops:
Locked Moldy Chest x1 (Rare)
Jade x1 (Ultra Rare)
Seeds (Common)
Green Pepper Seeds x1–9
Spinach Seeds x1–8
Eggplant Seeds x1–7
Pumpkin Seeds x1–5
Apple Seeds x1–3
Rare Global Drops:
Squirrel (Rare)
Scroll of the Palace x1 (Very Rare)
Scroll of the Hidden Mine x1 (Ultra Rare)
Scroll of Ancient Wood x1 (Ultra Rare)
Scroll of Shopping x1 (Ultra Rare)